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  1. Thank you! So there's no else if in Houdini, good to know.
  2. Just have to figure out how to include the very first point...
  3. Found it. if (chopi("../math1/ty",$I)!=chopi("../math1/ty",$I-1),$V,0) Thanks again.
  4. Thank you sadhu! That definitely catches some of the points: I can't say that I understand what it does though. Now I'm readign that the chopi expression function evaluates a channel at a given sample point. Ok, so the expression compares the points and if the y-value is higher than the one before it is kept, otherwise it is set to 0. Changing the > to a < produces the remaining points. How does one rewrite the expression so that it matches points bigger than or smaller than the point before? Then I can probably just use a delete and delete all points of value 0.
  5. Thank you Atom. I'm doing something wrong, because everything but the first point gets deleted. test_opinputpath.hipnc Point the midi-in chop to this file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vftlfa0vdwnx4v4/skala.mid?dl=0
  6. As standard the midi-in will only show note number 60 (middle c). Try for example to change the note scope to 50-70 If you are not sure which notes that are in the midi-file you could use - http://flashmusicgames.com/midi/mid2txt.php upload your midifile and it will show it in text format
  7. Hi, this is the input from a midi-in chop. I would like to get only the starting points, where the midi-file changes notes. And then create a line between these points, I guess that can be done with the add sop. But how to select only the start points. A trigger chop would give me the right time, but not the value at that position.
  8. Thanks, I'll give it a try. Some of the examples won't load properly, probably because they were made with an older version. But maybe the video can share some insights.
  9. Hi, in a project I have a problem which I think can be solved with the lookup chop. However every time I try to load the Lookup-chop-example Houdini crashes. This is Houdini apprentice. Anyone who knows why that might be, or know of another example file using the lookup chop?
  10. Wow, that's great. If I understand it correctly the carve sops first and second u takes value 0 and 1 from the list, and then the $CY variable in the copy sop makes the carve sop use value number 1 and 2 for the next copy. Wonderful, thank you very much!
  11. Thank you Robert, I'll read up on ramps and give it a try.
  12. Thanks for the feedback. The lengths are not random. A control object sounds good to me. I'll dig into it - found a video by Peter Quint about ramps - https://vimeo.com/6017920 Just one question, what would the control object be as you imagine it?
  13. Hi, that would work if all arcs where the same length, but they're not.
  14. Hello, this is a real Noob question and you can tell I'm not too familiar with how attributes work. The short version of my question is: how can i divide a circle into a number of circular arcs without creating a carve SOP for every arc? Long version: I want to create a number of circular arcs, you could imagine one arc from 12 o'clock to 2 o'clock, one arc from 2 to 5 o'clock and the last from 5 to 12 o'clock. Now I would need it to be procedural, because there will not always be three arcs around the circle, but variying numbers. It would also be nice to have them slightly separated. I tried by creating an attribute create with the values 0, 2, 5 and 12. Then I created 3 carve SOP's and copied those values and "paste copied relative reference" for the first and second u in the carve sops. It would be possible to create another attribute to tell how much separation there should be between the arcs. But it's not very procedural if the number of arcs changes. Any thoughts?
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