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What is the HDK?


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HDK: The Houdini Development Kit (C++ development kit) is a paid license option for the Houdini toolkit. There is an official SESI mailing list, some limited html docs supplied with the Houdini HDK, and if you ask SESI they can provide some examples from past HDK courses that they hold about once a year in LA- or anywhere they can rustle up a big enough attendence to justify it and big down the cost.

The HDK can be used to used to write any type of operator within Houdini and it can also be used to create standalone apps (which require a standard Houdini Master license token to execute) which use functions in Houdini's internal libraries.

It is also possible to write VEXdsos which define user functions in all VEX contexts, and to write custom file-format I/O which is supported all throughout Houdini and its tools. With 6.0+, mantra (the renderer) supports procedural DSO's for defining geometry at renderer run-time.

Please feel free to post any questions about the HDK in this forum!

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