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Hot ocean for maya with RMS for Large ocean shots


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Hi ,

Am using houdini ocean tool kit for maya,

am finding very difficult to get a large scale ocean sceen

We are doing this project in Renderman and our tech tech has converted the mental ray displacment shader to

Slo for renderman

The project requires some texture base approach and not heavy deformer for large ocean seen

The would then be used as an asset that can be use for all no dynamic ocean shots(we can talk about dynamics later)

Here are my settings

My grid is of 2000 by 2000 size and polygone is 500*500

For this project we are working on cm

Here are my hot setting

Globalscale= .7

resolution =9

ocean size =250

waveheight =1

wind speed=4

shortest wave=.25


damp reflection=.7

wind align=3

ocean depth =200




chop amount=.8


as a new user to hot toolkit its very hard to tweak one parameter and get the disire result

also i was noticing parameter called global scale being there in maya and not in houdini tool kit

there arn;t many user using this tool as kit for maya and it very hard to find out there the magic number

that works for my scale

I hope these value would help

Waiting for a early respose


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