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POP attract new particles


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Hi All


The attractor node in the old POP's had this cool feature where I could stop particles when they reached the goal.

Now with the new particles I cant get the same effect using the POP attract  . The particles never stop at goal instead once they reach their goal they start travelling in the opposite direction and I am guessing this has to do with the dynamic context .


Any ideas how I could easily achieve the same stop at goal effect besides using the old POP's?


thank you

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  • 1 month later...

Maybe you can calculate length between the particles and the attractor object in a vopsop (or popsop).

Then you could create an attribute with this value (who goes from "max value" to "zero") and use it to kill the particles velocity softly...


I never tried but maybe it works  ^_^

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  • 1 year later...
  • 3 months later...

Hi fuat!

thanks for sharing.


I have a question. inside the POPVOP you are subtracting a Constant = 1 by the length (distance from target pt). I guess that constant should match the original distance (at frame 1) between particle and target right?

is there a way to get that info inside VOP directly?



thanks for helping

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Hello Davide,

the only reason for the subtraction was to make the ramp assemble the correct start/end direction. Otherwise (without subtraction 1-length) the ramp (outside vops) will have the Target-position on the left and the Starting-position on the right.
Because the ramp has its Min-Value on the left and its Max on the right side.
So without subtraing 1 from the length, i would be kinda "flipped horizontally". that being said, the subtraction is only for "convenience" and proper UI and not technically needed at all. you can easily test it yourself: plug the length node directly into the ramp. now go one level up and change the curve in the "Velocity Control" ramp. You will get it immediately what i mean.

Hope this helps


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  • 7 months later...

hi ragunaikvfx,
the scene you are talking about was made and posted by MCGrund, not by me ;)
you are mixing things up. i posted a different scene.

and by the way: "please give me solution" is quite a harsh demand, dont you think so? i am quite sure everyone here is always willing to help and exchange knowledge. but please lets keep polite and nice....

let me know if you need any more help regarding your scene.


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Hi ragunaikvfx,

I just had a quick look at your scene. You can fix the problem by increasing the min substeps on the popsolver to 2. Then you might also want to change the expression on your particle source impulse activation from "$F%3==0" to "$FF%3==0".




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