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VDB Foam Bubbles on Flip Fluid Surface

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I am wondering if someone could guide me on how to get bubbles to float on a surface and be advected by the flip fluid and underlying surface?

I can place a grid and use copy stamping for random sphere sizes.. but not sure how to get the spheres to "float on the surface" matching the surface position of the flip fluid. 

This is the identical effect I am looking to achieve...   any advice would be greatly appreciated.




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Well I've never played with flip, but if flip is points my first approach would be to isolate the surface points using the bounding object option in the group SOP and selecting those with a box, supposing that your flip tank is not moving. Then I would blast everything that's not on that group, and then use the blast again to isolate a random number of those surface points. Finally create a random pscale attribute and copy the spheres onto the points.

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