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Frozen Rain Effect Help (NYSM2)


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Hello friends~

I'm working on this effect similar to the frozen rain effect in Now You See Me 2:


I've shown this to people already to gather some feedback, and here are some of the problems/comments that came up:

1. The rain drops are too spherical.

What I've been trying to do with the rain drops/particles is to apply some sort of jiggle or instability in its shape, like how it's portrayed in the clip I linked. But I have no idea how to apply that kind of deformation... I was wondering if anyone knew how to do that to each particle?

2. No depth of field

This is also a problem I can't solve because I lack the knowledge to do so. I've tried adding the DoF through the mantra node (there's a little checkbox to add DoF), but it doesn't turn out the way I expected it. It just makes the rain look like it's dissolved.

With DoF

No DoF



3. It looks too much like snow

I have them falling initially and then have them freeze just like in the clip. The problem is that as they're falling, they look too much like snow because they're just big bulges falling down. I've been trying to look through the nodes to see if there's a way to change the shape (like a line), and then maybe key that attribute then change it back into a sphere when it freezes. But again, I can't seem to find a way to do that.

ALSO, how do I get rid of that line that's going across horizontally the rain drops?? 

I've been running my head in circles with these problems for a few weeks now, but I've finally reached my limit with myself so I'm turning to the forums for any help if possible. It would be greatly appreciated!

I've attached the .hipnc file along with the IBL file that's used with the file.

Thank you to anyone and everyone for the help!

File: FrozenRain.hipnc



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Check out the file. Red nodes are important, although you should check all

What I did

1. Used a camera frustum from the qLib to only use the particles being seeing

2. Changed how the velocity was calculated inside the popnet

3. Used chops to scale the droplets so you get some shape difference

4. Added some mountain displacement to each droplet

Maybe that can help you 


Edited by vtrvtr
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