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[Solved] Digital Asset + Promoting Keyframes problem

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---Okay, I was using promote parameter the wrong way…I should not promote in the first place, instead use the default to store a pointer to the animated channel 

[I was able to reproduce the problem even on a smaller scale, just animated a uniform scale on sphere then created a digital asset, and the same problem occurs: the animated uniform scale got erased! it's still animated but the keyframes were gone!!! I investigated it further, and I relalized that IF I don't promote the animated scale to the digital asset interface parameters, it retains its keys, the problem seems happens only when I make the animated parameter part of the digital asset interface!]


I have a problem that I cannot really understand why/how it happens, but in summary, when I promote an animated parameter to an digital asset interface, it gets "erased" next time I instantiate the digital asset, to reproduce (attached is a hip file, where you can follow from step 3, plus many pictures to follow :) )

0-create a sphere

1-use the pyro shelf and create an explosion out of the sphere created above

2-create a subnet to encapsulate the sphere, pyro dop, import pyro (basically the three nodes created by the pyro explosion shelf tool)

3-right click on the digital asset -> create digital asset (call it "test1")

4-when the "Edit Operator Type Properties" pops up, go to "From Nodes", export "subnet1->pyro_sim->pyrosolver1->Combustion->Gas Released, and save the digital asset

5-tab and create "test1" asset 

6-inspect "Gas Released" parameter on the newly created asset and you will find it lost its key frames! if you scope the parameter, it will have zero value?

Thanks, and any help IS REALLLY appreciated :)









Edited by catchyid
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I think the way described the problem is too complex...I posted the question on https://www.sidefx.com/forum/topic/49244/ but in a very easy to reproduce steps and description :) In summary, animated channels are not stored in the digital asset if a parameter got promoted!? i.e. if you instantiate the digital asset, you will find the animation is gone?!

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