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Otl Problem (can't Load Texture)

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Dear Users:

I have tried to follow the candle tutorials from the Sidefx website which discusses creating OTLs and specifically discusses embedding a texture file into the OTL. I think I followed all the steps correctly, particularly the one where you have to specify your file texture as


I'm not sure why when I load a brand new Houdini session and I drop a new OTL object on the stage that I can't get it to appear with the texture file. Is there a problem with the format that I used, which happened to be TIFF?

Any help on this is greatly appreciated since I posted previously on wanting to learn how to embed textures into a file so that I could upload to this forum.

Thanks in advance.


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I figured out what the problem was--I had some locked SOPs that were set to display. When I wrote the OTL the SOPs were locked but the texture was visible. Apparently, houdini needs to cook the SOP once within each new session to reference the textures?

I'm still a little confused why I had to unlock the SOPs but I think this is the reason my textures weren't showing up.

Someone please let me know why.



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  • 3 weeks later...

i`m having a similar problem, i`m trying to build an OTL but my shader sops were deleted a long time ago, so the shader paths are implicit to the geometry, this means that when i collapse the model to a subnet the shader paths seem to become dead and the shaders disappear from my model.

if anyone knows a way that i can fix this without having to go through and reapply my shop nodes i`d be a very happy man!



I figured out what the problem was--I had some locked SOPs that were set to display.  When I wrote the OTL the SOPs were locked but the texture was visible.  Apparently, houdini needs to cook the SOP once within each new session to reference the textures? 

I'm still a little confused why I had to unlock the SOPs but I think this is the reason my textures weren't showing up.

Someone please let me know why.




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