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Viewport xform Python expression


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I have created a geo node who's world transforms are matched to those of the current viewport, using the following Python.

import toolutils 

viewer = toolutils.sceneViewer() 
viewport = viewer.curViewport() 
xform = viewport.viewTransform()

obj = hou.node("/obj").createNode("geo")


So far so good...

Now I want to set these values with Python parameter expressions on the object so that the transforms are updated when the viewport is tumbled. The problem I'm facing is when I try to access the individual components of the xform matrix to set as the object parm I get "the Matrix4 object is not iterable"...???

Any ideas how I can dynamically link an objects transforms to those of the viewport?

Thanks for any tips, 





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You'd need to extract translation & rotation from that matrix,

Like, for tx:

import toolutils 
viewer = toolutils.sceneViewer() 
viewport = viewer.curViewport() 
xform = viewport.viewTransform()
return xform.extractTranslates()[0]

for ry:

import toolutils 
viewer = toolutils.sceneViewer() 
viewport = viewer.curViewport() 
xform = viewport.viewTransform()
return xform.extractRotates()[1]


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