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UV offset/randomization and bake to texture

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Can anyone help to understand how to make that thing with UVs in Houdini?

1. So I have just one single object and UV mapping.
2. I'm cloning the entire object with same UV.
3. I'm getting the new UV layout for that numbers of objects.
4 I want kinda bake the entire texture and repeat it onto each clone (subobject).

In other words I need to make an unique UV offset for each clone but bring the original texture and then bake it into new texture for that new UV layout.
Is this sounds tricky or could be done with a few standard nodes ?
I think that I'm missing something and could be ready just in some combination with transferring P by UV, unwrap for each, and then render to texture, but how to wire that up...

PS I'm getting the model from other 3d package, where the cloned geometry with same UVs is already exist, so i'm usin the copy node here just to make that simple example..


Edited by JDee
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