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custom save python script - a very beginner


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Hi, I am a very beginner of coding and looking for a custom save shell by python. This time, especially I'd like to ask for how to replace ".comment." part.

Example file is "fx_dest_vocity_v051.04.comment.hip" and a procedure is :
1 - click shelf dock
2 - show a popUpWindow and type a comment
3 - click the popUpWindow, close it, and a script replaces "comment" part and new file name is saved, for example, "fx_dest_vocity_v051.04.vel2xfaster.hip"

my best guess is;
fileName = hou.hipFile.basename()       ## for instance, file name is "fx_dest_vocity_v051.04.comment.hip"
hou.ui.displayMessage("type comments", variable )  ## save comment
result = re.search( "([0-9]{2})\.???????\.hip", fileName )  ## get  comment part
newFileName = fileName.replace( result.group(1), variable )
hou.hipFile.save(newFileName)   ## new file name "fx_dest_vocity_v051.04.vel2xfaster.hip"

I know it's so many broken lines, so if someone helps to rewrite it, it would be great, thanks!

Edited by tagosaku
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I think your "mock script" will work as designed, with minor edits. Always use raw literal before regexes in Python: r'^(.+)\.(.+?)\.hip$'. Otherwise you have to escape each regex backslash with another backslash.


3 hours ago, tagosaku said:

if someone helps to rewrite it, it would be great

Ok, here is how I would do it myself. Notes: 1) it doesn't required for an addition to be the word "comment" here; 2) for simplicity, it does not perform any error check: assume proper use or add extra if statements.

import os.path as op
import hou

# Fetch tuple with index of pressed button and input text.
choice, text = hou.ui.readInput('Type comments message',
                                help='Type comments description.',
                                title='Commented HIP',
                                buttons=('OK', 'Cancel'),

# If OK was pressed with some non-empty text.
if choice == 0 and text:
    path = hou.hipFile.path()
    dir, name = op.split(path)

    # Discard extension.
    name = op.splitext(name)[0]

    # Discard one '.anytext' occurence at the end.
    name = name.rsplit('.', 1)[0]

    # Make new name with input text.
    new_name = '%s.%s.hip' % (name, text)

    # Finally, create an absolute path to save file to.
    new_path = op.normpath(op.join(dir, new_name))

    # Save the file.
    print(new_path)  # TEMP: print to console instead.


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F1, thanks for your quick reply. Whole codes are changed and I can understand 70%. That's ok, and I tried your code and working well. I would like to ask for two things,

When typing comment and hitting 'enter key', it executes as cancel, but prefer to execute as 'ok'. Then I changed to


Is that correct approach?

Second questions, Actually I want to sometimes add comment words, not always. For instance, sometimes name
"fx_dest_vocity_v051.04.comment.hip" or 
Then I tried to change your code, but messed up. (sometime it loses last two digit numbers in a condition...)
Could you add the feature that I can save a file with blank text?

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1. Choice nums relate to the buttons tuple: ('OK', 'Cancel'). 0 is 'OK' and 1 is 'Cancel' here.

2. You can accept cases where text not entered and omit name changing part if there is no text entered:

if choice == 0:
    path = hou.hipFile.path()

    # Replace existing comment.
    if text:
        dir, name = op.split(path)
        name = op.splitext(name)[0]
        name = name.rsplit('.', 1)[0]
        name = '%s.%s.hip' % (name, text)
        path = op.join(dir, name)
        path = op.normpath(path)

    # hou.hipFile.save(path)

Personally, I would just normally save with Ctrl+S.

3. By the way, if you use the code as a shelf tool, you have different ways of invoking it: click, Ctrl+click, etc. Try printing kwargs dict available inside shelf tool script and inspect contents. You can check if the shelf was clicked with modifier button to bypass dialog window.

Edited by f1480187
  • Thanks 1
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