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binding multiple geo in POP Curve Force

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Hi, I have an effect where I want to create multiple orbiting asteroids, eventually they will be fractured, constrained, and collide with each other as orbits change.

So far I have put my RBD Packed Object into a MultiSolver with a POP Curve Force that references a path in a SOP solver as the first attached data, followed by a Bullet Solver. That works well for one asteroid, or for multiple asteroids on the same orbit.

Im wondering if theres a way to only need to make one RBD Packed Object but have each named packed prim follow a different curve? It'd be even cooler to only have to make one POP Curve Force that actually references different paths per names, but if thats not possible then I will have to create a POP Curve Force for each asteroid, my question in that case is what parameter do I need to assign to my geo to be able to do this? I see under 'Bindings' on the POP Curve Force a channel named Geometry with "Geometry" as the default, if I change this to anything else my asteroids aren't affected by the force anymore, is there anyway to set this in SOPS per asteroid?


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Just realized I dont need my curve geo to be in a SOP Solver for it to update every frame in DOPS. Thinking maybe I'll make two tools, one that makes the geo and orbit curve, and another that sets up DOPS for each, then just copy and paste and change paths individually. Only downfall is I might have to do this for hundreds of asteroids and I'm sure there's a more clever way but my coding is limited.

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