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Time In Groups

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I have such a technical challenge (maybe not so challenging):

I'd like to add points or primitives in my geo. to some predefinied group during a shot (easy with number of tricks in H.) but then I'd like to count time/frames every point is in a group and then use it info to some purpose (first store it in point attrib as I suppose) just like $LIFE for particles but for geometry. Any idea how to achieve it? Borning particles on primitives after adding then to groups and use particles attrib for measuring time of belonging primitives to specified group?

thanks for advice!


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I have such a technical challenge (maybe not so challenging):

I'd like to add points or primitives in my geo. to some predefinied group during a shot (easy with number of tricks in H.) but then I'd like to count time/frames every point is in a group and then use it info to some purpose (first store it in point attrib as I suppose) just like $LIFE

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many thanks for detail reply!

I'm about to find the answer ;) . One think which bother me is that $FF variable will be calculated in every frame for whole group or geometry not ones for frame in which geo was added to group. I tried to do something like: 'if($timeInGroup=0, $FF, $timeInGroup)' in Primitive SOP/custom tab, but with no result, though this must be my stupid mistake :unsure: . I thought I can bake geo on disk for every shot to keep correct value of variable in place. But it hard to call it ellegant way... :)

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