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Solver output time interpolation

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Hi :)

This something that has been like a splinter in my head, and although I made a little bit of research online and in the docs, I just couldn't come up with a viable answer, so here goes:

Say you have made a simulation using the solver node, or dopnet, like any method that employs working on data from the previous frame. Let's say you made a simple infection setup where one point affects neighboring points. You run the sim, everything looks fine. You show it to the client or the director and he/she says "Great. But have the growth ease out into the animation and ease in toward the end"...

So, how does one go about accomplishing this with a solver node that has coupla wrangles working inside it? Can this be done before the caching process? Can caches be reworked so as to manipulate their time interpolation values? But what I'm really itching to know is; can this be done inside or outside the solver node in an adjustable fashion, like the adjustment of the interpolation itself?

Thanx in advance for the all the help.


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If you really know whats going on inside your solver, it´s probably more working efficient to manipulate time before simulation. VEX functions such as smooth() or simple formulas using @Time can change the speed over time.

So inside a solver node, try this:

float seconds = 4;
float t = 1 - smooth(0, seconds, @Time);
@P += @N * t;



Edited by konstantin magnus
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