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  1. GU_DetailHandle gdh; gdh.allocateAndSet(gdp,false); if(gdh.isValid()) { GU_Detail dddd; GU_PrimPacked *pack = GU_PackedGeometry::packGeometry(dddd,gdh); //GU_PrimPacked *pack = GU_PrimPacked::build(*gdp, "PackedSphere"); if (pack) { gdp->clearAndDestroy(); gdp->copy(dddd,GEO_COPY_ONCE /*GEO_COPY_ADD GEO_COPY_START*/); } } when add the "gdp->copy(dddd,GEO_COPY_ONCE /*GEO_COPY_ADD GEO_COPY_START*/);" it will error
  2. GU_PackedGeometry::packGeometry ( GU_Detail & dest, const GU_ConstDetailHandle & gdh ) i want to pack my polygon or points,someone can help me?
  3. somebody know how to add custom PaneTab in houdini
  4. how to get node type name in hdk,like the png show grid node ,i want to get the name "grid"
  5. i want to get one sop node type name,only know this node fullpath , the red arrow is what i want and how to get this nodeparameter value,such as the yellow arrow in my code, the path is the node fullpath,and i can get the SOP_Node SOP_Node *soppath_node; OP_Context context(time); soppath_node = findSOPNode(path.c_str());
  6. i want to write a arnold Procedural geometry dso which can read houdini node , i use sop string path as parm ---------------------code--------------------- static int MyInit(AtNode *mynode, void **user_ptr) { *user_ptr = mynode; // make a copy of the parent procedural soppath = AiNodeGetStr(mynode, "path"); OP_Node *node; SOP_Node *sop; node = OPgetDirector()->findNode(soppath); //sop->getFullPath(soppath); std::cout<<soppath<<std::endl; G_counter = 0; return true; } ---------------------code--------------------- but when i render with procedural dso Will pop up error warning:"UT_NetPacket::read: No such file or directory"
  7. How to get polysoup vertex attribute,before use polysoup sopnode ,there is 8 vertex ,when conver it to polysoup there is olny 6 vertex, how to get the 8 vertex attribute
  8. i want to get the value is Points in the group of index ,not the point index
  9. i have a pointgroup like this,4 points in one group the point offset data is (2,3,5,6) how to get it in pointgroup index ,such as i can use offset data "3" to get index "1" i use GA_Offset findOffsetAtGroupIndex (GA_Size i) const but this return value "GA_Offset" data is not what i want
  10. GU_PrimPolySoup *ddddd = UTverify_cast<GU_PrimPolySoup *>(prim); GU_ConvertParms *parms; parms->setFromType(GEO_PrimTypeCompat::GEOPRIMPOLYSOUP); parms->setToType(GEO_PrimTypeCompat::GEOPRIMPOLY); GEO_Primitive *ddaa = ddddd->convertNew(*parms); i use this code ,it wrong Should be how to write code
  11. i want to ger polysoup per vertex attribute as polymesh ,how to get the really data.
  12. yes,you are right edward,can i sort the point's GA_offset by GA_index?thanks
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