Hi I want to import .abc cache containing a maya camera into houdini scene, but I can't seem to find the approriate hscript or hou functions. I mean I can do it manually by file --> import--> alembic scene. But How do I automate this in python script ?
there is some animation from frame 1-100 in the .abc file.
I tried to compile alembic on windows 8.1 because I want to try the SOP_AlembicIn included in the code, I got lots of error when trying to do so.
For geometries I know I can create a geo node, and go inside create a alembic node to import .abc file.I think convert this to hscript is pretty straightforward. But for camera .abc file, this doesn't work, while file --> import--> alembic scene seems working, is there a way to code this camera import in python ?
or is there another way ? or someone has compiled this for windows ? Thanks.