Hey guys.
how would you approach a slow motion shot?
I have to do a fluid sim, which has to be slowed down drastically.
so here is the information I have available:
I have a raw plate which is 1600 frames long super slow motion.
The plate is being retimed to 129 frames in nuke.
After the retime the first 35 frames is normal speed, and then it slows down until it hits the slowest point available with the fps it was shot at (speed of the raw plate).
So far my initial thought is to Sim the whole thing to the raw plate and then apply the retimed curve afterwards, but I have such a hard time getting my sim to look correctly when I sim it this slow, and also that means I have to sim 1600 frames.
The other thing is that I have currently slowed down the timescale on the Dopnet for my sim to get it as slow as I need, and as soon as I do the look on my sim totally change. I figured it is because the timescale is not truly a timescale that can be used for this, but this is as far as my knowledge goes with regards to slowmotion stuff.
So is there anyway I can sim at regular speed, so I maintain proper force appliance etc (timescale 1 on my dopnet) and then extract some kind of information (I am thinking substeps maybe?) that can give me the in between frames information (maybe @P?) and then slow it down that way?
let me know what you guys think, or which approach you would use for something like this.