Wanted to start learning more about the Hair and Grooming tools inside Houdini 15 this week. I really like the controls that Houdini has when painting density, frizz, clumping and width maps.
I learned a lot from @abvfx and his vimeo videos https://abvfx.wordpress.com/.
A problem that I have yet to solve is creating different size clumping on the head hair. I want to have smaller clumps on the side and back of the hair. Then have larger clumps for the top of the hair.
I tried painting different clumping density values to vary the clumping. There is probably a way in the Clump Tab within the Fur Node that I am missing.
The head hair, beard and eyebrows are separate Fur Nodes which gave me better control over the hair. I am not sure how much of a performance hit this will give me when I animate the character.
The model came from one of our character artists, Aaron Gutierrez.