I'm learning Houdini and figured I should try to make a small project in the form of a hanging/suspension bridge to see if I could pull it off. It turns out I couldn't.
I tried 3 techniques.
1- Only wire solvers. Works as expected, but interacting with other rigid body objects isn't very solid, so it wasn't what I was looking for.
2-Wire solvers for ropes, packed RBD for boards. Seemed promising, but the constraints holding the boards and ropes together doesn't seem to do much.
3- Wire solvers for ropes, fractured RBD for boards. Here, the point numbers for the boards aren't as I expected so I don't know how to link the boards with the ropes properly.
Surely not one constraint for each plank? In this file I also tried to make all the boards into a single RBD just to get something working..and it sort of does, but completely flips out.
On technique 2 I have a problem creating the pins/links between the boards and the ropes too. Only one side of the bridge gets connected, and I don't know why, since it should be based on distance, not point numbers or anything. If i increase the connectadjacent pieces radius i do get some more connections, but they are not aligned, so point numbers must be involved somehow...
I attached all 3 files in the hopes that someone have the time to take a look and maybe give me a few tips on what I'm doing wrong, or even manage to get it working.
Any help would be much appreciated.