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  1. Hi there, I want share with you some of my tools/HDA I created in the time. Some is free and some not. For more of it you can I write also the documentation and create some tutorial. I'm also on orbolt and I think to publish some new tools soon... for now that and thanks for visit... mm Split RGB v.02 - tool for Houdini (Free/donation) https://gum.co/yhpHA Description: This tool was created for my patreon channel and from the question of my student in Italian school. Assign RGB Color with based on the range from 0 to 1. You can split the simulation like RBD or Particles, but also the elements (created with the copy sops for e.g.) and assign or extrapolate it with the color RGB. Video ______________________________________________________________________________________ mm Plexus FX v.01 - tool for Houdini (free and pay) Description: You can create a Plexus effects inside Houdini. This tool is available in 3 version: lite (free-ware), complete and open HDA (you can edit it). LITE: https://gum.co/LKnCA The restrictions for Lite Version are Scatter Points limit to 50 Not available Load points options. Not available Extra points Shapes tab. Not available noise on line options. Not available triangles by Geometry options. Not available splitted BGEO cache options. Not available all ABC (Alembic) export options. If you use in Commercial Works quote my name and the name of tools (I appreciate a lot). Complete: https://gum.co/iYGZS Open HDA: https://gum.co/ANObdk ______________________________________________________________________________________ mm Volume Fracture V 01.0 for Houdini 16 and up (free and pay) You can create the Voronoi Fracture and drive it with the Volume (vdb), apply the noise (if you want) on it and control the position of it in the space XYZ (if you want). Also you can: Apply more details on cut edge like a noise/distortion. Create a new smaller pieces inside your pieces based on the percentage of your original Voronoi Fracture. LITE: https://gum.co/lVIBm Complete: https://gum.co/OsGZn ______________________________________________________________________________________ Digital Asset "mm_Fast_ScatterFX" Houdini and Cinema 4D Very easy tools for create a fast and smart scatterFX, I think this digital asset for Cinema 4D users... The price is very symbolic for help me and continued to develop more tools also for Cinema 4D, Houdini and so on... https://gum.co/yvySD video:
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