I am fairly new to Houdini and I am trying to form smoke into deforming geometry, I am having trouble with the look development of it, so far I have followed the tutorial below. The problem I am having is to keep the smoke constantly forming the geometry I have to have the forcefield in dopnet set to very high for it to fill on everyframe which does not look good, obviously the initial few frames need to be fast to make the geometry fill quickly but after that it needs to slow down and flow with the deforming geometry. Ive also attached a flipbook of what ive got so far, including my scene file and alembic cache of my animated geometry.
My ultimate goal is to have a dragon form from a tornado (not using the tornado as a smoke source, tornado is also already done), so the initial smoke source will be a sphere hidden in the tornado, maybe I need to change my smoke source to something else after so it emmits through the whole dragon??
Any help would be awsome
Thanks in