Hello Forum , i have a question. In project i need to put object on extruded face to move them together.
I've done this with just main "dist parameter(float)" myself just add simple expression to "transform Sop" in translate Y
It's work with little expression :
bbox("../polyextrude ", -D_YMAX)-$YMAX+0.5 --- or --- ch("../polyextrude4/dist")
But i go next level with this method and face to Wall of problem.. I try to extrude faces with distance scale "zscale" i've create attrib with "attrib wrangle" and simple expression "f@zscale = fit01(rand(@ptnum), chf('min'), chf('max'));"
This works well, this expression move extruded faces randomly by Distance scale - ptnum, but i need to put object on extruded face to move them together. I try cople of methods but they didnt works.
Please Help.