Hi, I'm running into a little issue where I'm trying to randomize colors over bunches of lines.
Basically what I'm doing is making a small bunch of lines, say 6 close to each other. Then I copy that bunch over a distance around 500 times. (See attached file)
After I divide all the lines into 3 groups with group by expression and I assign a different color to each group.
However this splits up All the lines created, what I want is to randomize by initial bunch so each bundle of 6 lines has a mix of the three colors.
What happens now that I want to avoid is the possibility of 1 "Bunch" being 99% one color which can happen working with this many lines. Doing the group split before copying and transforming will give me the exact same randomization thus giving you a repeating pattern.
How would I best go about this?
Randomized bunching issue.hip