I am learning python, and found hou.setPreference is very useful. However, I cannot find what exact names and values we can write in hou.setPreference(XXX,XX). Do we have that info/list in sidefx document pages?
So far, I only found some in odForce, not from sidefx:
hou.setPreference("general.autosaveinterval.val", "15")
hou.setPreference("general.autosaveinc.val", "2")
hou.appendSessionModuleSource('''hou.hscript("autosave on")''')
Or ideally Sidefx implements a feature that houdini can monitor what a user change parameters in UI, and automatically generate python code in python window? (I know we can drag and drop a parameter to python winodw to generate parm's path, but more convinient way ^^.)