Hello !
In order to setup my different Disturbances and Turbulences inside of a smoke simulation, I'd like to know what range of velocity I'm dealing with. How would you guys do that ?
If you have the proper method to do that just ignore what's under.
The sim is already cached (density, vel, rest, rest2).
What I'm doing for now :
When looking at the node info there is vel.x, vel.y and vel.z. I don't understand why but I've read that these are scalar values and has to do with how Houdini works so why not. I don't know how to inspect this volume further than that since it's a volume the Geometry Spreadsheet doesn't display anything.
And when I apply a VolumeSlice I get 10 different vel attributes per point. vel[4] matches vel[7], vel[5] matches vel[8] and vel[6] matches vel[9]. But not the rest of the values. This is very confusing to me.