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  1. Hey! I was wondering if anyone could clarify what exactly is happening here in this image. My Interpretation: pscale is multipled by a ramp...which is driven by age variable? I know that ramps have values from 0 to 1, and if pscale here is 0.01, then the 0.01 is "1" (max) and 0 is the minimum, right? What I don't get it, how does the "age" play a role here? Let's say 0.37/1.32 = ~0.28. Does this mean that the point will only 0.28*0.01 in size? The Goal: Here's what I want to happen. "When The particles are just spawning, I don't want them to the full size before frame ~8, and before they "Die off" completely, I yet again want to make them smaller." ...Have I achieved this? I could very well be overthinking, but that's why I'm making this post. I just for some reason can't grasp it ahah, the "age" variable in the whole thing throws me off. Edit: ...I think it hit me? (Let me know). Basically - age by itself, since it's getting divided, will always be from 0 to 1, and since the "life" of a point always stays the same, the age will naturally increase from 0-1 in it's lifespan. Because of this, The ramp is...no wait... if it's 0.28~, why would it be full size (0.01) just because the ramp shows "1" there? Okay, nvm, Still confused ahah. Gonna go to bed, wake up with a fresh head. Cheers.
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