If you've worked for more than a year or two in Visual effects you've likely seen or experienced yourself the dreaded call to get something PERFECT. But, as it is said "Perfect is the enemy of good enough."
I bring this up because it's certainly happened to me. I've only recently in the last couple years become really comfortable with saying "screw it, this is fine". But it seems like a skill I should have mastered earlier in my career. So, hopefully a beginner will find this post and read it and save themselves some frustration.
Has this ever happened to you? Has this happened recently to you? Have you been chasing down a technical solution to something when something quick and messy and by hand would have probably worked fine? Have you ever simmed and resimmed and tweaked and resimmed again and again trying to find that one set of parameters that would look great when really those few stray particles could have been deleted by hand after it was cached?