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Found 2 results

  1. hey guys, hoping for little bit of knowledge here. When it comes to fracturing things in Houdini, almost everyone is showing walls and buildings crushed by giant ball or something that will hit. But here i m trying to achieve earthquake effect which is not by balls but cause by natural disaster, so its really hard to find example or tutorial abt that. Hope somebody can show me right direction jst brief. I do have have basic understanding of fracturing and glue stuff. Thank You
  2. cant solve the problem to stop the red primitive from moving (also the others,,,). Should stop with the other. Think its self explanatory. want to solve it WITH chipping in the rbdmaterialfracture. Btw: is there a way to give the "chipped" pieces an attribute? Thanks in advance for any idea :-) metal_transform_2.hip
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