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  1. Hello guys, I'm new to Houdini and to writing python scripts for Houdini. I'm currently working on a project where I want to change the Rotation, Scale or Transformation of a geometry node by moving physical rotary encoders, which are connected to an Arduino Uno. The serial connection between Houdini and the Arduino works fine. In my script, which I save as a custom shelf tool, I change the parameters of the node by using the set() function of the Parm object. The amount of change comes from the encoders. For example: node.parm('tx').set(change) The problem for me is that while the script is running and I change, for example, the rotation of a cube, like node.parm('rx').set(25), the cube is not rotating in the viewport. The cube is only changing once the script has finished and stopped running. Basically, the viewport is only updated with the new, for example, rotation parameters once the script has finished running. The geometry node is not moving in the viewport while the script is running. My goal would have been to have the script running in the background while working on Houdini like usual, and when changing the rotation of a node via set(), the node is also rotating in the viewport. Therefore, my main question: Is there a way with the hou object to force the viewport to display all the currently new set parameters of a node (like Scale, Rotation and Transformation) while a python script from the shelf is running. Thank you for your help.
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