Hi there,
How are you? I hope you're fine.
What is it "Houdini Rocks"?
It's the first volume of more courses dedicated to Houdini in english language and in the first volume you can find some part (not the same) of my workshop "Houdini for Artist" is started last 3rd september, but you're still in time for join wih other student if you want...
By the way here I don't talk about the rocks or how to create rocks (it's only the title). In this course I cover a variety of material and I introduce you to Houdini. In the first lessons I talk about proceduralism and interface, but we touch also advanced subject like VOPs and VEX.
Finally you have a good approch to Houdini and you can start to work with it.
All you need is Houdini
Gumroad - gum.co/leOq
Cubebrush - cbr.sh/z6utbt
CGCircut - https://www.cgcircuit.com/tutorial/vfx'n'go---houdini-rocks---volume-1
Udemy - https://www.udemy.com/vfxngo-houdini-rocks-volume-1/learn/v4/overview
have a nice day