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Found 2 results

  1. Hi I am setting up a digital asset and would need to know how it can be done to get some user input. So to clarify for example when you create a polybridge node you get asked in the viewport to select a face and then another face. When you have points selected and create a blast node, the point numbers are added in the group field automatically. How can i setup stuff like this? In my case the user needs to select 2 points on the input mesh, so i would like to have the same way as the polybridge in the view port after you press enter, or if points are already selected when the node gets created the same behavior as the blast node. I did find the onCreate script in the type manager but when i checkout out all the nodes in houdini this is almost never used so i assume there is another way to setup something like this. cheers
  2. Hi, I am trying to make a wall generator. A wall is divided into segments and each segment has a @windowType attribute which decides what type of window will be displayed on the wallsegment. The user interface will work as follows. The user has access to 2 sliders: one to select a wallsegment on which the changes will apply and a 'select new type of window' - slider, which allows the user to pick out of 5 presets. The chosen preset will be displayed on the wallsegment. The way I got this to work was by declaring an if-statement stating: if(wallselected == @primnum) { @windowpreset = chi('selectNewTypeOfWindow)'; } This works. But a problem occurs. When I want to select another wallsegment that I want to change, the new preset jumps to the newly selected wallsegment, which means that the previous wallsegment (it's @windowType attribute that is) remains unchanged compared to before. Is there a way to make sure that the preset of a wallsegment remains changed, even when the if-statement isn't applicable anymore? I hope this is somewhat understandable. Thank you for looking into this.
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