I have a question regarding how to map the scale of a UV Project node (or any other value for that matter) using the bounding box of an object. I'm still getting used to the way the Houdini expressions work, so I would really appreciate a lot any input hta you could get me.
I'm using an image sequence to trace some geometry, but I would like to have that traced geo to have the UV's properly projected since it is changing its form. One way that I tought of working this out is linking the UV SCALE values to something like this:
UV Project
SCALE X = bbox(myObject, sizeOfTheBoundingBoxInX)
SCALE Y = bbox(myObject, sizeOfTheBoundingBoxInY)
SCALE Z = bbox(myObject, sizeOfTheBoundingBoxInZ)
I tried using the $BBX and $D_SIZEX but the UV Project node throws me an error and the scale gets evaluated in 0.
Thanks a lot four your time guys!!!