Hi everyone,
I have a small problem I can't figure out. I can't find a clear answer online:
I have different group on different points, I want to find the point using nearpoint() function, it's clear in the documentation how to look into a group of points :
int nearpoint(<geometry>geometry, string ptgroup, vector pt)
but how would you go about looking for points excluded from this group, keeping in mind the groups are created according to the @id of the original point so I can't pinpoint and exact group name.
It as to exclude the group of the point behind processed.
here is what I have for now :
string grp = 'grp_' + itoa(i@id);
setpointgroup(0, grp, @ptnum, 1);
i@nearpt = nearpoint(1, grp, @P);
that will select the point within the processed point's group
how to find points excluding all points from this group?
thanks a lot!