I'm learning Houdini. And I'm getting my feet wet with vex. The problem I'm having is I don't understand how to get good feedback on the code I'm writing. In previous scripting environments I have worked with, the good ones have an easy way to print messages for debugging. With Houdini and vex this seems to be mysterious. I can't find how to open the console. I have made the console appear in vops using the print node and ticking the open text to console check box. But I haven't been able to get any useful feed back from vex.
The documentaion has a print function which says it prints to the console. I can't make this work. I guess I don't understand when the code is compiled or run. for instance in a attribwrangle if I put the following code:
string a = "hello";
print("label", a);
nothing happens. I tried playing the timeline. not sure how to make this work.
I have also tried:
string a = "hello";
printf("%s\n", a);
I'm obviously confused here and would appreciate a point in the right direction on how to make vex print messages to the console.
thanks a lot.