I tried following the sesi documenation on hqsetup.But unable to get it working. Could anyone direct how to make this work ?
I am able to see the client but render is coming out failed
ERROR: Cannot open file W:/3D_project/0038_HoudiniProjects/HQTEST/HqTest1.hip
This drive is on the server. client is using the windows login username and password to run the service. What am i doing wrong ?
# The shared network.
hqserver.sharedNetwork.host = localhost
hqserver.sharedNetwork.path.linux = %(here)s/shared
hqserver.sharedNetwork.path.windows = \\render-04\hq
hqserver.sharedNetwork.path.macosx = %(here)s/HQShared
hqserver.sharedNetwork.mount.linux = /mnt/hq
hqserver.sharedNetwork.mount.windows = H:
hqserver.sharedNetwork.mount.macosx = /Volumes/HQShared
# Server port number.
hqserver.port = 5000
# Where to save job output
job_logs_dir = %(here)s/job_logs
# Specify the database for SQLAlchemy to use
sqlalchemy.default.url = sqlite:///%(here)s/db/hqserver.db
# This is required if using mysql
sqlalchemy.default.pool_recycle = 3600
# This will force a thread to reuse connections.
sqlalchemy.default.strategy = threadlocal