Hello together,
I am quite new to Houdini (indie) and most of the informations I can find by searching the board.
So thx for the mass of input and that great application. Gave us some pretty nice results in the last time we never had before!
Anyway - since I/we still use alot Softimage and many of my fellows do only work with it, the addoption takes some time and like right now, I got some weight map stuff from a friend I have to use.
I'll attache (if it works, otherwise put a link below the text) a video of the weight map for more understanding.
Actually, the weight map shall control PyroFX emission.
My first thought was, to create an animated texture map of the weight map and use that to control the PyroFX emission.
But maybe there is a smarter way to get the weight map + the geometry into houdini - Alembic with vertex attributes maybe?
I already tried that and of course, stuck on getting the attributes of the weight map into the alembic file and import that into houdini and again getting the attributes to create a weight map in houdini.
Another way that works but is very slow and rough: emitting particles in Softimage, using a Polygonizer and export the geometry as an alembic file.
Or, but there I again stuck, just exporting the particles from Softimage into Houdini and emit Pyro from these particles.
What would be one good way?
Thank you very much and have a nice weekend
Weights Grow.m4v