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FBX vertex cache import


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I'm trying to import a deforming object from Maya into Houdini using FBX and a geocache/pointcache. Unfortunately the object explodes.

It's just a deforming sphere for test purposes. The reason why I don't export a obj sequence is that I would like to scale the animation curves, due to randomization. Attached you'll find the Houdini scene file, fbx file, cache files and the Maya scene.

I think the .mc file isn't properly translated within Houdini, but i'm not sure.

Any idea's?


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For my purpose I've figured that it's just as easy as exporting the rigged character form Maya using FBX and importing it in Houdini.

Which doesn't makes this topic less interesting to figure out how to apply a geocache/vertexcache in Houdini.

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