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Original Perlin noise?


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Anyone knows the Original Perlin noise in houdini with c code?

I would guess Houdini's code is closed, but you could try e-mailing sidefx.

Alternatively, have you seen the improved noise C++ code in the PRMan docs? It's based on this paper. http://mrl.nyu.edu/~perlin/paper445.pdf

it's in the Dev Notes > Plugins > SIMD RSL Plugins section towards the bottom. (if you have access)

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yeah, thanks you guys.

I am not sure the noise in houdini which one is which one....

So, is Original perline noise the "perline noise" and "perline noise" is the "improved noise"?

The "improved noise" implemented as a SIMD RSL plugin is much faster then the default noise() shadeop in prman (if that matters). The paper it's based on is by Ken Perlin, but I don't think it's the "original" perlin noise. I would think that should be on ACM or google somewhere.

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Stefan Gustavson has a C++ implementation of "improved" noise here, but as said I think that's more or less Houdini's noise()

Are you asking because you're having problems with lattice artifacts?

If that's the case you should look into "simplex" noise, there's also an implementation at that site :)

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