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How To Make a Skin on many Object


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Hi, i have a Model As image attach bellow Below and I want to make a skin cover all object to create a human Skin, but i don't know what is the solution.

i try objectmerge(All object) --> isooffset

but isooffset doesn't create the exzactly fine object i need and is very very slow. is there other way to make it ?


PS:( This model is build with Bone, organ, then Muscle, fat, then wanna make a skin on top of all GEO to create a Human Model )

PS: ray SOP is also not a perfect solution bcs it loss a lots of detail. if there is a ray SOP solution without lossing a detail pls let me know, i use SPHERE SOP + ORGINAL SOP --> RAY SOP (minimum Distance)



Edited by ghang
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Hum Modelling ?

I don't think there is a way to magically create a skin from bones and muscles, you have to model your character (the skin), then you add the bones and muscles according to the morphology of your character.....

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Personally, I wouldn't try to merge everything together before doing the IsoOffset. I'd approach it by creating individual volume primitives for each part, and then combining them into a high resolution volume by some sort of sampling operation, taking the maximum density value of all intersecting volumes. Once you have a good volume primitive, only then convert it to polygons. However, it's beyond my Houdini skill level. :)

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thanks for reply ,Div and edward

look like there is no a perfect solution, so if there is no more better solution i will use scatter SOP with Metaball --> COPY then convert meta to create a out skin (but this will use alot of memory :( )

thank for reply

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