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Locking attributes onto points


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Hey gang,

I'm looking for a way to basically "lock" an attribute onto a point. Say I have a point cloud with an "off" attribute that's 0, I want pass a box inside it and have the points that pass inside the box to get the 'on' attribute of 1 and have it stick, much like an attribute transfer, except once the box activator passes the point I want it to actually stick on the points so they stay activated.

I was able to get a working solution bringing in my points into CHOPs and using a Trigger chop and just extending the attribute, this so far "works", but the problem is that any slight change and it re-evaluates the network and it tends to be annoying, unless I lock it while I do other things in my network.

So i'm wondering if anyone has a more elegant solution, at this point I'm looking into vex/vop world for a solution.

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Sop solver!

You require the points to have "a history" very much like pops. The sopsolver will give you access to the previous frame.

Even though this is a bit of a different type of effect, it will trigger the points as well (in vops if I remember correctly) - the file is called particle_fight:

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