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Pitch Chop Help File?

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"The Pitch CHOP returns the frequency and the volume of the incoming channel."

lol... well I figured that much out. I've actually got a grip on it (for what I'm doing anyway), and ran into a bug that I though was user error in the pitch chop.. turns out the ch() expressions pointing to my chop aren't updating properly. I need to go to my rename chop, change from the correct chan[0-127] to cha[0-127] let it evaluate, and then rename back to chan[0-127] and then the scene is ok. I'm going to submit a bug report to sesi later...

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"This CHOP is like OCR for waveforms. It will attempt to to detect the dominant

pitch in a stream of audio, and synthetically output the detected stripped-down fun-

damental pitch. It thus recreates the input pitch, and discards all the detail.

It also operates in a second mode which allows you to Þnd the power contribution of

individual frequency bands (i.e. the output ouput of a spectrum analyser) over time.

This makes it useful for things like audio generation, or for detecting frequencies

within audio. For example, it could be used when you're animating a character, and

you want your character to automatically raise an eyebrow everytime the pitch of its

voice goes above a certain level (just append a Trigger CHOP after the Pitch


,lucky for us all there is a: http://digitalcinemaarts.com/docs/houdini/ , with older tutorials and docs, the quote above is from: Channels.fmk.pdf

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"This CHOP is like OCR for waveforms. It will attempt to to detect the dominant

pitch in a stream of audio, and synthetically output the detected stripped-down fun-

damental pitch. It thus recreates the input pitch, and discards all the detail.

It also operates in a second mode which allows you to Þnd the power contribution of

individual frequency bands (i.e. the output ouput of a spectrum analyser) over time.

This makes it useful for things like audio generation, or for detecting frequencies

within audio. For example, it could be used when you're animating a character, and

you want your character to automatically raise an eyebrow everytime the pitch of its

voice goes above a certain level (just append a Trigger CHOP after the Pitch


,lucky for us all there is a: http://digitalcinemaarts.com/docs/houdini/ , with older tutorials and docs, the quote above is from: Channels.fmk.pdf

Sweet. Thx!

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