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How can i change the attribute for particles based on the lifespan of

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I got a problem :angry: , How can i change the attribute for particles based on the lifespan of each particles?

For example, i have an emitter to generate particles from frame 1 to frame 20(one particle per frame). and i want to make every particles be affected by wind based on the lifespan of each particles.(for instance,lifespan = 5 )

So how can i make this kind of animation? can i use event node?

Any other way that can make this similar effect?lifespan.hipnc


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How can i change the attribute for particles based on the lifespan of each particles?

For example, i have an emitter to generate particles from frame 1 to frame 20(one particle per frame). and i want to make every particles be affected by wind based on the lifespan of each particles.(for instance,lifespan = 5 )

You figured out the Source POP turn off continuous birth (set to 0) and use impulse with the expression:


and the impulse rate set to 1.

$AGE is there for you to use by default.

In a Wind POP, for the amplitude parameter, it's probably best to use $LIFE as it is a percentage value of the current age over total lifespan from 0 to 1.

Just type in:

$LIFE * 10

where 10 is a multiplier to control the force.

If you want more control, use:

fit01( <value>, <min_value>, <max_value>)

where fit01 takes a value and assumes it goes from 0 to 1, then remaps it to the minimum and maximum values supplied.


fit01( $LIFE, 0.5, 20)

will remap $LIFE from 0 to 1 to then go from 0.5 to 20.

If you want to use $AGE, it will vary from 0 to 5 or whatever the particle's total lifespan is. You can use the:

fit( <value>, <initial_min>, <initial_max>, <final_min>, <final_max>)

like this:

fit($AGE, 0, 5, 0.5, 20)

to get the same result as the fit01() using $LIFE.

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