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Engraving Text

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I am currently trying to engrave some text onto my geometry and came across a problem.

I am using the gold shader and have linked a displacement map node to it so that i can load in the text. When i render i get jagged edges which i think is because of the low amount of polygons as shown in the image (lower image), and when i increase the polygon count i get white errors (Upper image)???

Also how to you add the node for true displacement ? whats is it called ? and where do you link it so it turns up in the parameters tabs.



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I am currently trying to engrave some text onto my geometry and came across a problem.

I am using the gold shader and have linked a displacement map node to it so that i can load in the text. When i render i get jagged edges which i think is because of the low amount of polygons as shown in the image (lower image), and when i increase the polygon count i get white errors (Upper image)???

Also how to you add the node for true displacement ? whats is it called ? and where do you link it so it turns up in the parameters tabs.


Can't really say without seeing the hip file, but checking the Gold Material in the material pallette indicates that it doesn't do displacement, only allowing usage of a few map types (color map, spec map, env map, reflection mask)

If you are manually attaching a displacement shader, check to see that in the properties node there is a "Displacement Bound" paramter attached.

Again, probably needs the hip files.


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Can't really say without seeing the hip file, but checking the Gold Material in the material pallette indicates that it doesn't do displacement, only allowing usage of a few map types (color map, spec map, env map, reflection mask)

If you are manually attaching a displacement shader, check to see that in the properties node there is a "Displacement Bound" paramter attached.

Again, probably needs the hip files.


I have simply connected a Vex displace map to the output of the gold shader and it works but has artifacts. Using the simple displace material from the pallete it works no problem with what i want to do so guess i need to do more than wire in a displace map.....

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go inside Basic Displace material from palette

you can see 3 shaders

1. properties1

2. basic

3. simpleDisplace

in your shader you probably have surface shader (2.) and displacement shader (3.) but you need to have Properties Shader (1.) too. That way you can attach Rendering Parameters like vm_displacebound or vm_truedisplace directly to your material

that is what GallenWolf is telling you

then you can further study how displacement bound parameter depends on displace scale (on Basic Displace Material)

there is also many Threads in houdini forums about displacements and displacement bounds and other displace artifacts

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we need also your texture to be able to test it

but as i am looking inside your Les_Paul_Signature_Gold, you still didn't add vm_displacebound parameter to it

just select Properties Shader, click the Gear icon (Top-Right) choose Edit Rendering Parameters...

and in Mantra10/Shading you can find both Displacement Bounds and True Displacement Parameters

just select them both and click on the Right Arrow Button then Accept

then you can play with the values, or simply set reference on displace bounds to displace height

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we need also your texture to be able to test it

but as i am looking inside your Les_Paul_Signature_Gold, you still didn't add vm_displacebound parameter to it

just select Properties Shader, click the Gear icon (Top-Right) choose Edit Rendering Parameters...

and in Mantra10/Shading you can find both Displacement Bounds and True Displacement Parameters

just select them both and click on the Right Arrow Button then Accept

then you can play with the values, or simply set reference on displace bounds to displace height

Thanks for the reply anim i was lost at how to get them rendering parameters. The problem accurs even with a different displacement map but doesnt happen when im not using true displacements ? so i thinking its something to do with the linking of nodes or that the gold shader does not allow this ?

Even when i have added the rendering parameters im still getting an error warning on the properties sop saying bad reference "../V_dmap1_map"

Help much appreciated

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