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Environment var: prepend?


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I got HOT to work on my windows7(x64). It's really great! Thank you.

During installation, I had another PATH variable and I temporary nuked it to get the HOT to work.

In your doc, it says to prepend the entry above.. but I don't really understand what you mean by prepend.

could you please tell me how to prepend?




HOUDINI_PATH c:/hotbin_win32_H10.0.374;&

PATH c:\hotbin_win32_H10.0.374\dlls

Note: Don’t nuke your PATH if it already exists, prepend the above entry with a “;” between the entries.

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under linux it's like:

setenv PATH /home/pclaes/bin:$PATH

Where ":" allows to add different paths and "/home/pclaes/bin" is prepended to the PATH variable. Not sure about windows, but can't be too different.

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By prepend I mean, e.g. if your PATH was originally set to something like -

PATH c:\MyFaveApp

then you would prepend the HOT's dll folder to the PATH by setting -

PATH c:\hotbin_win32_H10.0.374\dlls;c:\MyFaveApp

You have then put both folders on the executable path by separating them in the PATH variable with a semicolon.


I got HOT to work on my windows7(x64). It's really great! Thank you.

During installation, I had another PATH variable and I temporary nuked it to get the HOT to work.

In your doc, it says to prepend the entry above.. but I don't really understand what you mean by prepend.

could you please tell me how to prepend?




Edited by eloop
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