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It´s posible write a point cloud whole object?


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I´m trying to write a point cloud with shader atributes but I can only write the parts of the objects that are visible to a camera.

Please, someone know if its posible to force mantra to render the parts of the shaders that are occluded to the camera so I can write a full pc of the whole object?


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After writing this I just realized that opacity is exactly that so I lower the opacity and get what I was looking for, not sure if its the best way but it works.

EDIT:Well,looks like if the density of the point cloud depends on how much visible it is so this is a dirt solution.

If anyone know more about this that would be nice.


Edited by putoparri
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check out vm_hidden rendering property

Houdini name vm_hidden

IFD name renderer: hidden

Default ('true')

Perform hidden surface removal. When hidden surface removal is disabled, all surfaces in the camera’s frustum will be rendered, regardless of whether they are occluded. This can impact render time significantly.

Edited by SYmek
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