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Houdini 6.1 Loops and shtuff


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Well, most people are probably still in San Diego, but I figured I'd ask anyway.

At the user meeting, I could've sworn Rob Magee demoed edge loop selection outside of the Pelt SOP, but in 6.1.38 it only seems to work in Pelt (hotkey is l) same for edge walking (hotkey is F) I also can't find anything about pick walking which was something else they demoed. Anyone know if these edge tools work outside of Pelt? Or how pick walking works?

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do you mean 6.1.83 ?

"New pick-walking capabilities for bones and objects (page up/page down) " - from the Apprentice EA disc or is it disk?

anyway...it works...but what do you do if you want to pick walk down a chain that has a branch?...nothing seems to work to choose a branch...?

as for Pelt...mine doesn't have an Icon (on the tile or in the parameters) and there is no help...

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Thanks for the replies guys...

Page Up and Page Down always stepped through networks though didn't they? I mean I know they worked that way in Houdini 6.0.blahblahblah, and I'm pretty sure that's what they did in 5.5. I found Set current above, below, left and right in the hotkeys and network editor's control right click menu, but the left and right options don't seem to work. Maybe it's broken... I noticed the parameter pane pops up this yellow text at the top that tells you how many nodes are selected now, that's cool, I don't remember seeing that before...

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Page Up and Page Down always stepped through networks though didn't they? ...I'm pretty sure that's what they did in 5.5.

Nope, j and k were the keys in question then (which personally I liked a lot more[even though I had to switch them]... page up and down are like, way over on the right on my keyboard.

I noticed the parameter pane pops up this yellow text at the top that tells you how many nodes are selected now, that's cool, I don't remember seeing that before...      

Yip, this is new, and another thing that sesi is quite proud of is that you can now select all those nodes, change a parameter in one node and it will update for all the objects (so if you change tx to be 5 in one, it'll be 5 in all), and if you use the ladder (middle mouse), it'll be relative for each value (so each one will increase by .1 if you add .1)


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