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Another minor H11 issue

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As I was going thru the new features list, I read about the 'Property' SHOP, and proceeded to click thru and investigate. The link was red and gave me a 404 Error. I also can't find it in the SHOP list, only 'properties' which looks a bit hacky, with no icon and no parameters. I could very well be an installation issue, but does anyone else have this issue?



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i am not aware of Property SHOP but it looks like it should be Properties SHOP

what's new in H11 is Properties VOP which can be used inside Material Shader Builder the same way as Properties SHOP before

and yes, it's empty by default, all rendering properties you can add through gear menu


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I use properties VOPSHOP mostly for adding a displacement bound parameter. What it basically does is it enables you to scale the objects bounding box, if you don't then the mircopolygons which are displaced outwards might be cutoff because they end up outside the objects bounding box. You can easily drive this parameter by channel referencing the scale attribute on the 'displace along normal VOP'. The 'displacement bound' parameter can be simply added by editing the properties nodes parameter interface (right click, edit parameter interface). Then on the 'For Rendering' tab look for 'Mantra 11.0/Shading/Displacement Bound', click the right pointing arrow and hit accept. No all is left to do is to create a channel reference to the displace along normal/scale attribute.

Attached you'll find an example file, the blue displace sphere has holes in it. This is due to the missing properties VOPSHOP, the red one displaces correctly.


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