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Anisotropic Reflection (PBR)


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You need to change to a right 'tangent space'. Right now it's using 'Geometry Tangents', that i think is 's' and 't'.

To make it work correctly in that shape, you should use the UV space.

First you need assign a UV in the geo.

Then you should change the 'Tangent Style' in /shop/mantrasurface/sufaceModel.

Check if another 'Tangent Style' works for your needs. So you don't need to unwrap the model.


Edited by Fabiano Berlim
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It has to do with the tangent vectors used for the specular anisotropy.

It looks like they forgot to promote the "Tangent Style" parameter of the "surfaceModel" VOP, so it doesn't show up in the MantraSurface material.

To get to it you have to dive down into the VOP level where you'll find it in the surfaceModel VOP.

Setting the Tangent Style parameter to "Intrinsic Object Space" will give you this image:


... which may or may not be the tangent space you want (and is a useless choice if the object is animating in SOPs). You can also try the "Compute From UV" setting, but it's bound to have discontinuities for a box like yours. Plus, there are some other issues with going with the "UV" route that aren't necessarily related to your texture coordinates per se. Long story short: there are many issues with tangent space that I'm in the middle of bringing to RFE Land...

Good luck.


EDIT: ooops... Fabiano beat me to it :)

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EDIT: ooops... Fabiano beat me to it :)

Hhauhauha!!! Nobody beats you! Your contribution is always better!

Thanks for all the help you've been doing to us.

It's amazing how guys like you, Peter Claes and others, that is always working, still have time to help us.

Thank you, thank you! Keep the good work!

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