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PythonModule in HDA


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Hi. I'm trying to initialize parameter in my asset with value,that i'm trying to get from inside asset itself. It's like setting default value, but dynamically, based on calculations inside my operator.

In Operator Type Properties, Scripts tab, i have PythonModule event, with something like this(abs path, just for debugging):

def matchPivot(this):
    pathToNode = "/obj/torus_object1/" + this.name() + "/pivot_parm"   
    node = hou.node(pathToNode)
    pivotValues = node.parm('pivx').eval()
    print pivotValues

Next i have added "OnCreated" event, and call my function from it:

this = kwargs['node']

The problem is that my function,seems like, evaluating before cooking my operator.So, matchPivot() always returns 0. Parameter "pivx" has expressions, and normally works just fine,after my operator was created, but my function returns 0.

Tell me please, where i'm wrong ? Is it possible to get some values from inside asset.

Sorry for my "crooked" english :)

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By nature the OnCreated event happens right as the node is created, before it cooks. What you should be able to do is in the OnCreated script, force the node to cook right then (hou.Node.cook()), as opposed to letting Houdini automatically cook the node afterwards.

this = kwargs["node"]

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By nature the OnCreated event happens right as the node is created, before it cooks. What you should be able to do is in the OnCreated script, force the node to cook right then (hou.Node.cook()), as opposed to letting Houdini automatically cook the node afterwards.

this = kwargs["node"]

Thx graham! Unfortunately, that gives me an error

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "opdef:/Sop/polyExtract?OnCreated", line 2, in <module>
  File "c:/Houdini/11.0.528/houdini/python2.6libs\hou.py", line 5593, in cook
    return _hou.Node_cook(*args, **kwargs)
OperationFailed: The attempted operation failed.
Error while cooking.

Then, i manged it to work, but with OnInputChange event, it works fine (with code in my first post, without forcing recooking).

To clarify: I have one more event - PreFirstCreate , in which i create selector, to make selection of prims. And this selector is in HScript. This selector is responsible for wiring my operator, right after i make selection.Then, of course, input changes, and event OnInputChange works fine.

And i have one more problem, i'll deal with that later.


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It's me again :)

Please help me with a following problem:

As i wrote earlier, i have PreFirstCreate event, in HScript:

omsbind -t sop polyExtract:group prims "Poly selector" "This is HScript event!" 0 1 face 0 "" 0

Ok, it works. Then i decided, to do it in Python:

prompt="This is Python event!")

And here interesting thing happens :) Even if change this event to from HScript to Python, when i use my tool in viewport, it still executes HScript event! Of course i'm saving all changes.I'm also doing File -> Refresh Asset Libraries. The only thing that helped me - recreate asset, without PreFirstCreate event.

And vice versa, if PreFirstCreate event was in Python, and i change it to HScript, it will still call Python, even if i delete this event!

Any Ideas???

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  • 9 years later...

@Stalkerx777 Hi there, apologies on bringing up  very old thread im struggling to find information on a problem i have and this thread seems the closest and i assumed maybe you could help me out.

Im creating multiple nodes of a digital asset at obj level and using a callback script on a parameter on these assets. However, each one may have different parameter values and thus in the callback script i need to reference the name of the specific asset placed, for example calculator1, calculator2 etc. ive tried using hou.pwd in my python module however that just returns the root directory '/'.

Using kwargs ['node'] in the on created event handler seems to return the name im looking for.

I've then called a function in my python module that takes the name found in the on created handler and returns it. Im trying to then access this name in other functions held within my python module but i dont think im returning the value correctly to be used?

return problem.JPG

Edited by domsewell
progress with issue at hand
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