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pre-render raise ValueError


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Hey guys,

I'm trying to stop my rendering of a rop. i'm calling a python module on disk and no matter what I try it will not influence the render of the output.

raise hou.ValueError()


return 1

nothing seems to influence the rop.

is it possible to stop a rop from rendering with python or hscript from the pre-render field? or is there a better way of doing this?



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so it seems that the pre-render script and the pre-frame need to raise a error to stop a node from rendering.

raising a error on the pre-render will stop the node from rendering the next node in the chain.

raising a error on the pre-frame will stop the node from rendering the current node.

hope it helps someone else.



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How do you raise an error in a script? That's something I've never done.

set the pre-frame script to python and type:

raise Exception("STOP!") #Hammer time

Stops the node.

adding it to the pre-render will stop the next node from rendering but not the current node. SESI informed me today the fix the bug i reported yesterday so todays build should have some of this weirdness solved.

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